Sunday, January 31, 2010


Listen to the sound of waves.
Wait and hear what they say,
Just Listen.
Listen to the sound of waves,
Open your mind and hear what they have to say.

Dreams speak clear and loud.
See past the mist and fog,
Just Dream.
Dreams speak clear and loud,
Close your eyes and see what they have to show.

Leave and Begin

Everyone can go only that far.
You can push them but you can't be them,
You can try but you can't always succeed,
And you can wait, but for how long?
You can do a lot,
But how can you be both the people in the relationship?
There's me and there's you,
Then why do i feel like i do my part,
But somehow i do yours too?

They say don't give up.
But after a point,
When you finally realize you're worth more,
Do you have the courage to get up and leave?
Can you stand to face the loneliness
Till you find the one who'll never leave you alone
Just so you can breathe?
There's more to life than your horizons perceive.

All you have to do is open your eyes,
open your mind and open your heart.
Take a chance and leave,
Take a risk and begin.
Be who you always wanted to be
And know that you can be whoever you want to be.
It's all in your head but listen to your heart.
It's the only part of you,
That will Never lie.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Movement and Immobility

It seems unlikely to be moving, but then it also seems unlikely to be standing still. When there's an electric current in your legs how are they unmoving? How come they're running and suddenly the life's taken out and they're stuck in motion freeze? There's too much to contain and now there's nothing to hold in, now fallen like a corpse.

The mind is in a frenzy but there aren't any thoughts for them to go haywire. Sometimes everything is in place, but nothing seems to fit. Every tiny detail fits, down to pat, but there's no truth. Or there is truth, but invisible to the blind eye. Deluded, the mind carries on, wasting, rotting or searching in the wrong arena. The match is somewhere else. The mind must secretly be a masochist.

Curled in a corner, staring at the sea, the mind was finally silent, the breathing back in place. Numbness seems easier. The bearer dealt, calmed or collapsed? The memory failed. Lethargy like a corpse seeped in, settled in the muscles and the current subsided. Left adrift, the panic filtering out, but emptiness replaces the fanatical groping for movement and immobility.

The Horse View

Walk looking straight ahead.

The sides in black,

The horse view.

Don’t hear the words,

Don’t see the entwined limbs.

Walking look straight ahead,

Let the surroundings hide in shadows.

She sprawled, she spewed.

Crude, it all seems too crude.

Is it reality? Is perception warped?

Twisted minds of misery and discomfort,

Finding joy in blinded solitude.

Faith in the untrue and belief in the drug,

Lurking in rocks

And disguised behind sea weed.

Faith crashed, disillusioned

And wrought in malleable iron chains.

Caught up too far to rise above.

So walk looking straight,

The horse’ view,

The side in black.