Friday, January 8, 2010

The Horse View

Walk looking straight ahead.

The sides in black,

The horse view.

Don’t hear the words,

Don’t see the entwined limbs.

Walking look straight ahead,

Let the surroundings hide in shadows.

She sprawled, she spewed.

Crude, it all seems too crude.

Is it reality? Is perception warped?

Twisted minds of misery and discomfort,

Finding joy in blinded solitude.

Faith in the untrue and belief in the drug,

Lurking in rocks

And disguised behind sea weed.

Faith crashed, disillusioned

And wrought in malleable iron chains.

Caught up too far to rise above.

So walk looking straight,

The horse’ view,

The side in black.


  1. Loved it, Vaish! So powerful. I really enjoyed it. Muah!

  2. Its a wonderful one Vaish. For me it means, we just need to forget the details sometimes, and do what we have to, the Arjuna way..

    Its Rags here

  3. Intriguing, at the start. I thought
    "Faith crashed, disillusioned,
    And wrought in malleable iron chains."
    was enlightening.
    The imagery is wonderful, and the meaning.
